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Mushroom Toxicity

Project Link:


As eating healthy is on the rise, everyone is trying to be as natural as possible; even growing their own food. Mushroom starter kits are even available on the market. How do we know if we can safely enjoy our fabulous fungi? Machine learning can be used to help classify typical characteristics that can help determine which are the most dangerous and should be avoided.

Project Tasks

In this project, we were tasked with demystifying ML (Machine Learning). First we needed to find a problem that was worth solving, analyzing or visualizing; in our case, we chose the topic of mushroom toxicity. We would need to use a machine learning library such as Scikit-Learn to help with this process. To add to this, we would need to use at least two other tools. Below is a list of the tools we utilized:

Finally, we would need to host our application using Heroku or a tool of our choice. We chose right here on Github using Github Pages.

Our Proposal/Presentation

You can find our proposal based on the above background here.

We also have a slideshow that highlights what we did along with our findings, difficulties encountered, and how we would work to enhance this project in the future.

Final Website Preview

Below are some screenshots from our final website:

Front Page

Front Page

Sunburst Chart

Sunburst Chart

Machine Learning Charts

ML Chart 1

ML Chart 2

Future Enhancements

Speaking of future enhancements, here are some features we would like to implement in the future given more time:

Data Resources

Team: Aaron Robertson, Beverly Thompson and Essi Monneus

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